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2024 Palo Pinto County Fair

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Viewing records 1-50 of 845
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 5:30 PMUpdating
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 01: Animals - Domestic
29 Phillips, Alyssa 610 Black cat Red
29 Phillips, Alyssa 615 Dogs Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 665 My favorite rooster, Chief Fowler, and some of his best ladies Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 666 My brother's rabbit, Flower Blue Category Award Winner
33 Newsom, Brighton 667 A stray cat that seems to like coming by our house. Red
74 Davies, Joshua 763 Koi fish in a pond Red
197 Whitlock, Tanner 792 Animals-Domestic_Tanner Whitlock_1 Blue
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 02: Animals - Wildlife
33 Newsom, Brighton 668 This ostrich looks like he's about to join the ballet Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 669 A squirrel decided to pose perfectly for me! Blue
33 Newsom, Brighton 670 A pair of ducks who seemed as curious about me as I was about them! Red
196 Hernandez, Alexa 745 Butterfly with injured wing Red
197 Whitlock, Tanner 793 Animals-Wildlife_Tanner Whitlock_1 Red
197 Whitlock, Tanner 794 Animals-Wildlife_Tanner Whitlock_2 Blue
53 Korkmas, Madison 831 Lion Blue
53 Korkmas, Madison 832 Giraffe Blue
53 Korkmas, Madison 835 Deer Blue Category Award Winner
200 Berry, Alexis 842 Wildlife_AlexisBerry_Photo 1 Red
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 03: Catch-All
33 Newsom, Brighton 671 The moon in all her glory. I used my telescoping lense for this and I love this photo! Blue
33 Newsom, Brighton 672 A beautiful mural on the wall that just seemed so huggable. Blue
33 Newsom, Brighton 673 A gnarly piece of dead wood. Red
196 Hernandez, Alexa 746 Melting Pumpkins White
196 Hernandez, Alexa 747 Torn wind sock Red
197 Whitlock, Tanner 795 Catch-All_Tanner Whitlock_1 Blue
197 Whitlock, Tanner 796 Catch-All_Tanner Whitlock_2 Blue Category Award Winner, Intermediate (Grades 6-8) Best of Show
197 Whitlock, Tanner 797 Catch-All_Tanner Whitlock_3 Blue
198 Whitlock, Dylan 816 Catch-All_Dylan Whitlock_1 Red
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 04: Details and Macro
33 Newsom, Brighton 674 The boop snoot of the stray cat that has been hanging around my house. He's such a patient fella. Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 675 Any question why this rooster's name is literally Ugly? He's got some very mean eyes! Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 676 The inside of what I think is a poppy. You can see the pistons and stamens. Blue
197 Whitlock, Tanner 798 Details and Macro_Tanner Whitlock_1 Blue Category Award Winner
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 05: Elements of Design
33 Newsom, Brighton 677 Square shapes make up the cross in this photograph Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 678 These wagon wheels are perfect circles in their design Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 679 The shapes of a heart and a star can be seen here Blue
197 Whitlock, Tanner 799 Elements of Design_Tanner Whitlock_1 Blue
197 Whitlock, Tanner 800 Elements of Design_Tanner Whitlock_2 Blue Category Award Winner
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 06: Enhanced
33 Newsom, Brighton 680 I used a cool blue antiquing filter to make this photograph of the dam looked aged. Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 681 I manipulated the exposure on this picture to give it a funky feel and make you focus more on the reflection of the sky and less on the sneaky little fish. Blue Category Award Winner
33 Newsom, Brighton 682 I used a bright blue temperature filter to make this look more like a dream. I liked this drain because something about it reminded me of the empty tomb. Red
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 07: Food
33 Newsom, Brighton 683 Who doesn't love some good garden peppers? Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 684 Beautiful stem of grapes Blue Category Award Winner
33 Newsom, Brighton 685 Forget looking for easter eggs, let's find some dragonfruit! Blue
2024 Palo Pinto County 4-H Photography Contest (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only -Entries Open February 1, 2024) / Intermediate Grades 6-8 (Palo Pinto County 4-H Members Only) / 08: Landscape and Nature (Non-Animal)
193 Thompson, Claire 609 Burning cedar White
29 Phillips, Alyssa 612 Waterfall Blue
29 Phillips, Alyssa 614 Sky White
33 Newsom, Brighton 686 A dripping stream full of so much happy green! Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 687 Some cool greenery growing around a rock and pond. Red
33 Newsom, Brighton 688 A stream surrounded by vibrant trees White
196 Hernandez, Alexa 748 Railroad bridge lost to time Blue
196 Hernandez, Alexa 749 Path to escape reality... into nature Blue
197 Whitlock, Tanner 801 Landscape and Nature_Tanner Whitlock_1 Blue Category Award Winner